We specialize in CNC Rotary Tables, CNC Spindles, and Angle Heads. In the past 7 years, we have served 850+ clients, and installed 2800+ products across 170+ cities, and 25+ States. We have helped our clients in preventing 29.5+ crore revenue loss.
Kuvam Technologies help Indian manufacturers manufacture world-class products at attractive prices by supplying various mechatronics products like Rotary Tables, Angle Heads, Milling Spindles, Drilling Spindle, Turning Spindles, Electro spindles, Servo Turret, 5-axis Heads, Work Holding Solutions, and many more.
The products we offer are carefully selected and inspected on defined quality parameters by our quality controllers to ensure they are free from all kinds of manufacturing defects.
Kuvam Technologies believe in Win-Win-Win Relationships. A Win for the Customers, Win for the Team and Win for the Company.
Kuvam Technologies will donate a few percent of its profits to poor farmers in the form of fruit-bearing plants. This will be our small contribution to helping the nation to fight global warming and to increase the farmer’s income.
Rotary tables, milling spindles, drilling spindles, clamp spindles, angular heads, Chuck, water-cooled spindles, and more. Shop the best product from Kuvam